Why you shouldn't use Blogger's Default theme?
This article will make sense of why you shouldn't use
Blogger's default subject.
Blogger is a microblogging stage intended for
miniature-level writing for a blog. In any case, back with a strong server with
limitless data transmission and fast. Thus, the Blogger blog can deal with all
your traffic right away.
Blogger is quick, yet Improvement is expected to do the
quick speed. So, need to improve the Blogger's format. In any case, it could be
convoluted in Blogger's default subject.
For what reason would it be a good idea for you not to use the default Blogger topic?
Many clients accept that Blogger's default theme is awesome
for SEO, but this isn't correct. A couple of years back, another plan was
delivered for Blogger, and Blogger called these plans a topic. Prior it was
known as layouts or Blogger formats.
Blogger's topics are Great in the plan yet need Specialized
Search engine optimization.
- It involves H3 as the principal heading of the article. Be that as it may, we ought to use the H1 label here. Become familiar with the significance of the H1 tag in Website design enhancement.
- The Blogger default theme proclaims the organization name as Blogger in schema markup.
- The most recent robots meta labels are excluded from Google Results.
- Web-based tags excluded,
- All HTML5 tags are not utilized.
It implies that Blogger's default subject isn't Search
engine optimization agreeable. Rather than these default topics, we ought to
use custom Blogger subjects.
On-Page optimization can help your site traffic by 200%.
which is also excluded from the default theme.
Heading Tag issue
The default Blogger theme utilizes the H3 heading tag rather
than the H1 tag for the post's title. This is a terrible SEO practice, as you
most likely are aware of the force of the H1 heading tag.
The H1 heading tag is basic for on-page optimization, and
you can't overlook this.
Schema Markup Issue
Schema Markup creates a blog structure and incorporates data
about the substance's creator. Blogger's default theme upholds schema markups
and creates markups for each blog entry.
It appears to be that all is great, yet it creates content creator as "your name ", and the organization is Blogger.
You can approve the blueprint markup of your Blogger blog
and outline markup of it. On the off chance that the Blogger theme you're now
utilizing doesn't support schema. you can add a mapping markup to the Blogger
Robots meta labels issue with the default theme
The robots meta tags teach the web crawlers the most
proficient method to file the page or page that ought to be indexed or not.
Yet, the Blogger default theme comes up short on the tag.
<meta content='index, follow, max-bit: - 1,
max-picture preview: large, max-video-see: - 1' name='robots'/>
This is the ideal robot meta tag for a page indexed. Yet, it
ought not to be on all pages. A few pages like hunt, mark, and chronicle pages
shouldn't file. To do this, follow robots.txt and robot meta labels' accepted
HTML5 Tags Issue
The HTML5 semantic tags are utilized to characterize the
construction of the site for web crawlers.
It assists us with announcing each part and segment of the
site like the header, primary, sidebar, and footer region.
In the Blogger's default subject, these semantics are
somewhat utilized. We can alter the topic and add that, yet specialized
abilities are required. So, it is smarter to introduce a modified subject that
incorporates HTML5.
Conclusion (If not the default theme, then what?)
The default theme is intended for individual sites without
remembering Search engine optimization. So, you want the best subject that
satisfies are above patches.
Related Articles :
- How to Create a Blogger blog.
- Connect the Blogger blog to Google Search Console.
- Most Popular and Trending Topics of Blogs